average joe
JoinedPosts by average joe
Anyone have the video of explaining the new understanding of 1914?
by average joe intheres was a mention about it in the september 23rd boe .
where can i find the video explaining 1914 or at least the new explanation of 1914 from the wt society and not you trying to remember bits and pieces :) ?
thank you
average joe
Well, Thanks for the reply :) I was hoping to see the actual video or transcript or official explanation. I like to interpret things for myself so looking for a copy of something official recorded or in writing. thank you -
What schools do the watchtower currently have for all people?
by average joe inwhat is the current list of schools or names for schools for jw's?
there are schools for elders, circuit overseers,pioneers, singles and couples right?
i will search these forums and the internet for scans or pdfs, for their associated manuals, books, whatever they are teaching them with currently.
average joe
What is the current list of schools or names for schools for jw's?
There are schools for elders, circuit overseers,pioneers, singles and couples right? anything else?
I will search these forums and the internet for scans or pdfs, for their associated manuals, books, whatever they are teaching them with currently. If anyone has anything school related, courses or curriculums, study material etc I would appreciate a link thank you.
I do have...
2010,2003,1991, 1977-1981 elders book
pioneers book 2004,2007,2014
Anyone have a scan or pdf of "Reasoning with JW's" they could share?
by average joe ini would like to see it although it is probably another book for profit with little actual usefulness, nevertheless i would like to take a look at it.
thank you
average joe
I would like to see it although It is probably another book for profit with little actual usefulness, Nevertheless I would like to take a look at it. Thank you -
Anyone have the video of explaining the new understanding of 1914?
by average joe intheres was a mention about it in the september 23rd boe .
where can i find the video explaining 1914 or at least the new explanation of 1914 from the wt society and not you trying to remember bits and pieces :) ?
thank you
average joe
Theres was a mention about it in the september 23rd boe . Where can i find the video explaining 1914 or at least the new explanation of 1914 from the wt society and not you trying to remember bits and pieces :) ? Thank you -
by alexandre inwho have the program of this zone visit ?.
please send to us!
send a resume ,a synopsis!.
average joe
Can anyone tell me was the zone visit worldwide? Or only usa?
HeyThere said she will upload zone visit as soon as she can
by Maralee inbe patient, she will get it done.
average joe
I do..
Implications of Dropping "Types/Anti-Types"
by Antioch ini've seen this part of the agm folded in with other topics and poked around, but no really critical discussion of the implications.. .
the hermenuetics of the type/anti-type practice was a big deal to me in realizing the tatt.
i searched high and low for a rational basis for concluding that god was communicating in a type/anti-type format that wasn't special pleading and circular.
average joe
Did you hear something about antitypes at the annual meeting?
How do BACs and JWs explain animals that practice "homosexual" activities?
by booker-t ini absolutely love watching the animal channel and just observing the animal kingdom has really brought up some serious questions for any devout anti-gay religions such as born-again christians(bacs) and jws.
some animals such as deers practice lesbianism when there is no male deer around.
i almost fell out of my chair when watching this.
average joe
Trying to use animals to justify gay sex makes me hahahaHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA.
Take 100 male gays , 100 lesbians, and put them all on seperate islands with only their sex ie males with males , females with females. Leave them there for a 1000 years with plenty of food shelter and hydration and no outside interference. Then return to see if any have procreated. If they have all died then....
Physical Damage. Homosexual men who engage in anal sex are at a significantly high risk for numerous health problems. The high-risk nature of anal sex is simple: the rectum was not designed for sexual intercourse. According to amfAR, “compared to the vagina, rectal tissue is much more vulnerable to tearing during intercourse and the larger surface area of the rectum/colon provides more opportunity for viral penetration and infection.”[xxi]
In her book, Epidemic, Dr. Meg Meeker, a pediatrician, writes: “The anus opens into the rectum…which is not as well suited for penile penetration as the female vagina is. Both the anus and the rectum have rich blood supplies, and their walls, thinner than the walls of the vagina, are easily damaged. When penetration occurs, it’s easier to tear the blood vessels, which in turn increase the risk of acquiring or receiving an infection…”[xxii]
Physical injuries that can result from anal sex include: bleeding, lacerations, and perforations of the rectum and/or anal sphincter muscles. Once this damage occurs, open sores, hemorrhoids, and anal warts can result.[xxiii] Anal sex (as well as oral/anal contact) also exposes individuals to fecal matter, which can lead to a number of gastrointestinal infections, such as proctitis, enteritis, and proctocolitis.[xxiv]
Anal Cancer. Homosexual men are also at an increased risk for anal cancer.[xxv] According to the American Cancer Society, risk factors for anal cancer include: Human papilloma virus (HPV), which causes anal and/or genital warts; multiple sexual partners; and anal intercourse.[xxvi] Due to concerns about anal cancer, some health professionals now recommend anal Pap Smears for MSM.[xxvii]
STDs. Compared to heterosexual men, MSM are at an increased risk of contracting a number of dangerous STDs, including HIV/AIDS. According to the GLMA, these STDs include: “urethritis, proctitis, pharyngitis, prostatitis, hepatitis A and B, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, herpes, genital warts and HIV infection.”[xxviii]
by hildebrando in"note to instructors: this copyrighted material is for your personal use only.
do not photocopy or reproduce in any way, in whole or in part.".
full text in english: http://hildeydesa.blogspot.com/2014/08/metodos-de-ensenanza-para-el.html.
Don't we normally hear about the new convention releases by now?
by average joe inam i missing something here :) whats the deal google isnt bringing up any names of the new releases or anything from the conventions.
i am curious as to what this year will bring?
average joe
thanks guys